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Frequently asked questions
When should not get a massage?
Massage therapists offer non-invasive, non-narcotic treatments for many types of injuries and pain. However, massage isn’t for everyone. People with high blood pressure, deep-vein thrombosis, and certain skin conditions should check with a doctor before getting a massage. If you have a fever, feel dizzy, or have recently been in an accident, you may want to postpone your massage appointment.
What if I drool or fall asleep during my massage?
This very often happens during a massage and is nothing to be embarrassed about. Just take it as a sign you are enjoying the relaxation!
Should I eat before I come for a massage?
It is best to not eat for at least 90 minutes before your massage treatment and only a light meal at that time. The body needs time to digest your food. This is the same caution you would take when you go swimming or exercising.
Do I need to undress completely?
If you are more comfortable leaving your underwear on during the massage, that’s fine. After all, one of the benefits of massage is reducing anxiety, so you don’t want to be nervous. Even if you are undressed, you will be covered by a sheet or towel. It is only removed when the therapist works on that part of your body. No area will be exposed without your consent.
How does it feel after getting a massage?
You should feel some relief after a massage. Sometimes you may experience 24-48 hours of soreness. But it should be a good kind of sore, like you just had a workout. After a massage, you should feel relaxed and mellow. That has to do with the changes in neurochemicals like serotonin and endorphins. But don’t expect that a one-time massage will solve a lifelong backache or other chronic pain. A lot of people expect to be cured in an hour an important question to ask yourself: “How long did it take to get this backache and how long have I had it?” For many things, such as a backache, it’s a cumulative effect and you may need several consecutive treatments. It can take time.
What’s the Difference Between Massage Therapy and Bodywork Therapy?
Both massage and bodywork therapists manipulate their clients’ soft tissues to promote and maintain health. Though these practices have a great deal in common, bodyworkers tend to focus on pain relief and restoring body function. Massage therapists can also help clients meet these goals but place a greater emphasis on relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being.
What Are the Benefits of Massage Therapy?
People get massages for many reasons: Relaxation Injury recovery Athletic massage Pain reduction Stress relief Physical therapy Migraine headache mitigation Improved digestion Fibromyalgia treatment Insomnia prevention
What If My Stomach Growls During a Massage—or Worse?
Massage therapists create “judgment-free zones” with their clients and understand that massages can sometimes lead to clients making strange noises, passing gas, or even have deeply emotional experiences. If you feel the need to laugh, cry, or even tremble, your practitioner will understand and may ask you if you want to continue the massage or take a break.
Can I Stop a Massage If I Feel Uncomfortable?
Absolutely! You are always in control of your massage therapy session. Feel free to ask your practitioner to pause or stop your massage if you’re uncomfortable with any aspect of this treatment.
Do I have to be completely naked during the session? What do you wear for a massage?
You only need to take off only as much clothing as you’re comfortable removing. You can leave your undergarments on if you choose, as massage can be done through clothing. The massage therapist will give you privacy while you undress and leave the room. During the massage, the therapist will use a sheet or towel to drape the parts of your body that are not being massaged.